The Tendinopathy Blog

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Adherence to exercise in musculoskeletal trials: current problems and how we can improve.

Exercise is a recommended treatment for many pain and musculoskeletal conditions, including tendinopathy. It is really clear in other areas such as exercise for general health (e.g., heart health) that the more exercise you do, the better. Things don’t really work in this linear way for pain. Pain is complex. Maybe doing more exercise will make our pain and musculoskeletal patients stronger and more functional, but why should it improve their pain?

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Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)13th of March 2016

The effect of detraining on tendons and how to prevent it causing tendon pain in your patients

A super blog this week – all about the effects of detraining and deconditioning on tendon. An interesting topic so have taken the liberty to go off on a few tangents with some interesting clinical messages.

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